Okay, Wikipedia says that the gender identity mess started around the sixties -even though the discussion is far older than that-, and my experience on youtube says that it reached it's peak in mid 2015 and it's stable since then, maybe growing a bit, maybe decaying, but, overall stable.
Gender identity is the role that you play in a relationship and in the society, and i quote google in this:
(Gender identity is) One's innermost concept of self as male or female or both or neither—how individuals perceive themselves and what they call themselves. One's gender identity can be the same or different than the sex assigned at birth.
And there are people living with that dilemma, of living between the line because he, her or they can't actually fall into just one category or they aren't part of the gender that they were assigned on birth. Some Honorable mentions are Laineybot, Miley Cyrus, Caitlyn Jenner ~such a hard name to spell~, and many others that you probably know; so, no, gender dysphoria isn't a thing to be ignored anymore.
But, why did that became a trend, since 2015? My guess is: people didn't know how to express their dysphoria before, he/she/they were only presented with the binary gender archetype, given that the first known dictionary to put non binary words into the book was Dictionary.com and western cultures are deeply damaged in freedom of thought and speech by both government and religion. And, now that they know how to express themselves, they will, since they can! The internet and the french revolution made so much easier to be yourself, damn!
At last, if you want to be unique, be unique, if you want to be privileged, be privileged. And if you are willing to understand the growth of the gender politics, check this site: I am privileged, apparently, since i'm binary and nonbinary.org told me so.
But, hey, KappaPride


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