Saturday, December 31, 2016


Yes, we here write "Internet", and not simply "internet", you may be asking why, after all, it's just a tool! Believe or not, most of the science fields are just tools to explain reality or themselves (yes, I'm looking at you, math!), so, since the Internet is such a big tool in our lives and in the existence of this site, of course we will be making it as grandiosa as we CAN!
Cheer up, it's just a prank, bro.

Friday, December 30, 2016

Leafy is the savior of freedom of speech 

Leafy is now the long stated cyberbully of the YouTube and the Internet, with views and likes in ranks like pewdiepie's. Some can say that he's trash, that he is the worse part of the Internet, but he does what most are afraid of doing: pander negatively to his audience, and the proof that he is just pandering is his channel's history: he started just complaining about people who ruin games and the Internet, but now he talks about specific people, turning him, now, into a cyberbully, 您耻辱, leafy....
But, that is exactly my point, he shits in other people, by most, in those whom can't actually fight back, except that he doesn't demands his fans to leave mean comments in the channels of his victims, actually, he tell them not to; he doesn't refuse to interact and even turn friend to whoever Calvin ramble about in his videos, in fact, little Calvin even is friend with some of those people!
Although the leaf makes a lot of youtubers (onlookers and Content creators) laugh, outsiders may hate on him, nevertheless he doesn't back down! Because you know, freedom of speech and stuff. But that splits is between some groups: those whom watch to hate, those whom watch because of funsies, those whom don't watch and hate, those whom don't watch, those whom watch in a aphatic way; and those different Ways to perceive media is what makes us unique, so unique that it may reflect in our jobs qualifications, for once, those whom watch and hate may be best fit into jobs that require human relations!
In conclusion, leafy is a anarchist and the people being different are a good thing.
Also, this is my favourite video from him:

Thursday, December 29, 2016

We don't want to be different

There are proof EVERYWHERE, makeup is sometimes used to make up one to be not so different from the standard beauty, people's steam accounts are full of main stream games, and the list goes on.
But, that doesn't mean that we don't seek uniqueness, all our social relations are based on what we can put on the table.
Nevertheless, we only try to be unique when we really need to, otherwise people take advantage of us, so, we don't wanna be different.
This post didn't really said anything that wasn't mentioned on these post:
It's rather weird how I feel the need to post this :/

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

You should watch Netflix 

It's not news the fact of what makes us ourselves are our Influences, our culture and our choices (that are influenced by our influences and culture). And happily, those things we get from what we watch and from our family -who influences what we watch-.
Therefore, we are never entirely us for ourselves and that collection of knowledge difference ourselves from the others, so, yeah, you should watch Netflix, and YouTube, and Pornhub, whichever you like the most.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Boredom builds our characters 

It's common knowledge that the more depressed you are, the more creative you turn out to be, in the end. We can see that in artists like Taylor swift (who makes the best albums when broken-hearted) and many others (that definitely deserve to be mentioned, but the writer -of this post- is depressed and won't mention them.), so depression makes you express yourself out there.
By expressing yourself, a outsider can analyze the mind of the first mentioned. Little to know, everyone's personality is built by what we think of ourselves plus what others think about us, so... I hope you get the point.
Taking all that information to consideration, depression, anxiety and all problems that increase creativity can be triggered by boredom, hence the title.
Welp, this will be kept short, because the writer isn't bored right now, so....

Monday, December 26, 2016

Who you are actually matters to the others.

Here's the link to the first session of the D&D campaing "Shards of Iso", "DMed" by Snake (or sioux):
Since it is the first session, they had to introduce themselves, and them introduced their capabilities, once they did that, the employer had to aprove either or not their conjointment to the party (which, obviously, they all were approved). The point being: if a person don't know anything about you (as jund argued about this in the campaign), she won't probably work with you, giving then a sense of importance to who you are and what you can do.
But we do not even need to go into mutual necessity, every realtionship is based on how much you know about the other person! Doesn't matter if you're looking for a date, a employer, a killer, you will only engage if you need something that the other person has that you don't, and that involves knowing the other person.
So, if it matters to you, it probably matters to many others, given that this blog is public, and I'm directing this post to all the readers.... You get the point, I hope....


Sunday, December 25, 2016

There is no problem in using drugs

I suffer from ADD since i was a child, I was that child that forgot stuff everywhere, drawn in every inch of the notebook and couldn't play sports, because I wouldn't think about the game (that still stands till today), and since then i’ve started do drink coffee with sweeteners, that was enhanced. But that is not the main frame: as I was researching about addictions, I found out that I have a clinical mild addiction to caffeine, and that i have developed tolerance to sucralose, and does that make me a bad person? No, of course not, having addictions just means that you were born prone to having it, or your life is totally boring! Damn, that went dark…Most people that are born prone to developing a addiction are born with a mental disability, and we already talked about this in another post (, concluding that that makes you better than everyone; but there is another possibility, you were prone to it by being too poor, which means that you were trying to escape reality, and, if you reached that point, I can't see a explanation to holding back on the drugs, just go all the way!
Also, if you life is totally boring, either you have too much money or you're too smart, and those are no reason to complain, so, just celebrate and avoid the law, I guess?
By the way, there are a lot of addictions, we just focused on drugs because those are the most tangible type.

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Does your name matter? (Case 2)

So, if your name changes, and your story stays the same; or your name stays The same, but your story changes; or your name changes and your story changes but you still have your body and mind, are you still you?
Here is a adaptation of the Harry Potter story so you can picture what I mean: 
Are you unique because of your qualities that differ you from other humans or are you different because of your knowledges and opinions?

Friday, December 23, 2016

Do your name matter? (Case 1)

When we are born, we are given names, names by which we live our entire lives under, unless we, for some crazy reason, change it; but that is a exception, and we shouldn't live by those.
So, if someone kept calling you by other name, would you still be you?
For me, we would still be the same, because our features makes us unique and a name isn't unique. But, PBS made a video on this and I shouldn't be bias to your own conclusion, so, research a bit more and make sure to share your opinion with us in the comments!
Here's the link for the PBS' video:

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Having a mental condition makes you better than everyone

Okay, maybe the title was a little too much over the top, I reckon that, but that there are people with ADHD, Depression, Savantism, Down syndrome, and all that jazz who can do a lot more than those without diseases, for once: Darwin had extreme ADHD (Apparently, he didn't have ADHD, just Asperger's, which made BBC delete a video about, holy shit, that is funny! My sources were so outdated that even the authors have refuted themselves), if he was organizing his research in a methodical way and a fly passed by, he would pass the next ten minutes looking to that fly flying! The point being, if you have any mental disability, your brain is prone to improve something else to compensate, maybe giving you a enhancement or another problem which will be compensated, hence forming a cycle that will form, at least, one mental condition and one mental development.
Given that, people usually only look at one’s disability, instead looking into one's features, therefore, if a disabled people accomplish a impossibly hard thing, the general citizen will comment as “look, that guy with Savantism made 10000 songs in 6 years”, instead of saying something in the lines of “that guy with synesthesia made a lot of complicated music within only 6 years”, therefore, making it sound more difficult than it actually is to that one human, hence transforming the mental person into someone who is “better” than the normal one, born “perfect”.
By the way, the guy who made 10000 songs in 6 years is a guy named Aleksander Vinter, my man crush Wednesday.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Should we use makeup? (Pt.1)

Makeup is most definitely the most sold product in the XXI century, actors use it, normal people use it, the army use it, you get the point. And that product is used to change one’s appearance, making it up *Oh my… The pun* to be something somewhat more acceptable by to society: standard; damn, that word is dangerous…. And those standards fit us into categories/groups of people, which isn’t entirely bad.A goth, when heading to a metal concert, wears all that dust, such dust that the looks can be imagined, because of the standardization of the goth culture, thereby taking off the sense of inequality of the one goth that is heading to the show. But wait, if that same goth kid gets together with the others from the group he may difference and stand out, therefore making himself unique.
So, here’s the question? Should we wear makeup? Most definitely yes! Just because it makes us all the same or makes us different from our tribe, that doesn't mean that we can't do whatever we want, we should do whatever we want, hail anarchy!

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Bullying is a social constructor

This is a set of interviews that touches themes like the effect of bullying, the thing that happens to bullies, how bullying works... Watch it and let's hope you understand the meaning and respects the logic behind this!
Also, quick tip, watch past the outro ;).

Monday, December 19, 2016

Should we include different people?

People are different, memes are different, music are different, everything is different, metacharacteristic speaking  *resist the desire to be racist against Asian people!*, so, why treat equally? The point is: we shouldn't! And because we do, those special people are excluded from society.
In the workplace, managers tested if gifted people or disabled people or male/female adapted better when treated the same or minding their variations, and guess what? Their marvels were wasted (when they were treated equally) and everyone know that that is bad to a workplace, considering the goal of being productive. And, since they aren't working at 110%, they are being pushed aside by the social structure and not getting the benefits of which they deserve by doing their jobs, making them  sorta excluded from society even more.
The point being: gifted or disabled people should and must be treated differently, and including them in a set of “normal” people isn't actually gonna turn them into active and proud people, but instead may even increase the suicide rates! That proven by the writer of this text, by Saitama, by the second sons from Japan…
This text wouldn't be even necessary if the world had fallen into Anarchy, but, wherev’ dood, Utopias are Utopias even if math has proven that 1=0.

Sunday, December 18, 2016

How RPGs are the "humanest" games

RPGs are role playing games, and what that means, exactly? That, in the game, you will be playing as a character that plays a role in a story -a role that is never the same, most times... It shouldn't be the same everytime, that's just bad game development-, and that role is achievable by the acquirement of set set of powers and weapons, or by ultimately changing the relations between you and the NPCs. RPG games can be videogames, like Dragon's dogma, or phyisical games, like D&D -We've arealy talked about D&D in this site Check it out-, either having the same basic characteristics, but just changing the relation between the DM (Tutorial in videogames) and the player, and the one between the player and the other players (that can be only NPCs on videogames, or both players and NPCs).
Now that that is put behind, we can define what it really means to be a human: being human implies in having a chance to be unique, to overcome problems, to live freely (at least since the French Revolution). A human is able to evolve within his limits, and train enough to surpass that limit, a human has transcendency, which means that him can learn, raciocinate!
Therefore, if being human is being something that can be itself and not be blocked by impossible difficulties, and RPGs brings that to the role of the character that you will play, RPGs are the humanest types of games that one can play! Either if you grind to kill that impossible boss (yes, i'm looking at you, red dragon), or if you just want a good time with some cool dudes.
Either way, role playing games are one of the most famous types of games because they are a way to live without actually having any responsibility and with freedom (Unless you want really bad that ending, then, you most likely will hate the game and yourself, and i will hate you because you will be only pandering to your audience >_>, speaking of which, Hi, russ!), and living life is one of the most lovable things by humans.

I have just noticed that RPGs are, for the most part, violent... And we are the non violence crew... That's great, really XD.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Should Youtube, reddit, facebook and sites alike ban people if the community don't do it?

As i played borderlands and listened to Youtube in autoplay i stumbled onto ~or into? I'm confused, watch it be neither~ this video:
We already talked about leafy in this website, and i recall he being the saviour *Oh my, british is gross* of the freedom of speech, but there are a lot of lines to yet to be crossed when the actual line of ban is crossed, when talking about offensive content. For once, the girl from the video did a lot of videos before actually getting banned from youtube, promoting offensive content, racist content, and overall wrong things to say anywhere, on any context. But, after all that, the community didn't take down the channel, nor the videos, to a extreme that google had to "interviene" *Italian is actually usefull? WTF?* and take down itself, classifying the action as censorship, which is a action condemned by most people, after all, there is such thing as freedom of speech (and people Would die for it), and freedom means no limit, on top of that, nobody was forcing the viewers to click the video, which eliminates completely the need to complain about a person expressing his her or their personal fundamented or not opinion.
And, as to every moral discussion, the last point needed to be researched is  the law's side: the american law, which those sites follow, approves everything offensive, as long as the speech doesn't provoke violent acts. Meaning: if we don't get a 4th Reich because of Evalion's video, she should be able to teach how to identify a  jew.
Therefore, there is no moral basis for censoring, at least in this century, which bring us back to the question: if the community doesn't trow the content in the trash, should the big guys do it? For real? They shouldn't, because, if you aren't able to stand offensive humor, you won't be able to survive real life, you will find people that think that is okay to laugh about rape, about alcoholism, about a lot of depreciating shlit, and if the internet can't stand real life, why the fuck would it be a real thing and have custom filters? And remember, the real life is so offensive because people are different and unique, otherwise it would be only boring!


Yo, help me out

Just click this link <3

Friday, December 16, 2016

Why there are so many gender confused people right now

Okay, Wikipedia says that the gender identity mess started around the sixties -even though the discussion is far older than that-, and my experience on youtube says that it reached it's peak in mid 2015 and it's stable since then, maybe growing a bit, maybe decaying, but, overall stable.
Gender identity is the role that you play in a relationship and in the society, and i quote google in this:
(Gender identity is) One's innermost concept of self as male or female or both or neither—how individuals perceive themselves and what they call themselves. One's gender identity can be the same or different than the sex assigned at birth.
And there are people living with that dilemma, of living between the line because he, her or they can't actually fall into just one category or they aren't part of the gender that they were assigned on birth. Some Honorable mentions are Laineybot, Miley Cyrus, Caitlyn Jenner ~such a hard name to spell~, and many others that you probably know; so, no, gender dysphoria isn't a thing to be ignored anymore.
But, why did that became a trend, since 2015? My guess is: people didn't know how to express their dysphoria before, he/she/they were only presented with the binary gender archetype, given that the first known dictionary to put non binary words into the book was and western cultures are deeply damaged in freedom of thought and speech by both government and religion. And, now that they know how to express themselves, they will, since they can! The internet and the french revolution made so much easier to be yourself, damn!
At last, if you want to be unique, be unique, if you want to be privileged, be privileged. And if you are willing to understand the growth of the gender politics, check this site: I am privileged, apparently, since i'm binary and told me so.
But, hey, KappaPride

Thursday, December 15, 2016

YTP should be denied by individuals and praised by community

YTP stands to YouTube Poop, and it is a genre of videos that are posted on Youtube (but can be reposted in other sites), and have the intent to annoy, entertain or stuns a group of people that will watch the video, and i focus on the word "will" because it sells and it brings a audience, the first video in this genre was this The First Youtube Poop EVER! - Created by SuperYoshi (2004), it was 2004, and the genre has evolved a lot since then. Basically, in a YouTube poop video, there is a mix of a lot of medias that aren't originally together, but, thanks to the youtuber, are put together to make a new meaning out of all that mess.
And, with that, we reached the point of speaking about the title: YTP should be denied by individuals. The fun of being a individual is being different than everyone else, that's why most hate dictatorships, socialism and monarchy: they don't have the chance to be themselves, because, to the others, you are just the part of set group and there's just no way! to rise up and don't be ignored. However, how exactly that relate to YTP? Simply because it extracts your mark of individuality and downgrades you to just a sound to be played, even "disconsidering" whatever you said, which is pretty offensive, at least in my opinion.
Given that, why should the community praise YTP, as the gamers should praise the sun?  Why not really? YouTube poopers are the innermost select few that see anything as anything else but that thing! And, believe it or not, those named innovators, in English, a preofession that any society needs to evolve within itself or internationally.
  So, that's that! And don't forget to watch PBS' playlist, after all, there isn't new content in the Internet, just copies of previous seen content:

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

A GT about a man

The man always failed
Everything he did, he failed
No matter what, he failed, if he did it!
He could never get a job,
He could never be truly happy
Because he failed in being happy
And failed in being sad, too
That's a story
A story about a man
That failed in everything
About any means
Once he tried to fight it
And tried hard enough
Except that it wasn't enough
He failed at it
That's a story
A story about a man
That failed in everything
About any means
One day, he woke up really sad
Not about all that mad
That wasn't pretty bad
With that sign, a idea he had
He wouldn't fail again
He would have a last gain
It hurt, at first
But, no pain, no gain
It smelled bad, on June thirty first
The body of a happy failed man
That failed on everything
Except the last thing
That deceased the man

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Excuses to be mean

I ended up saying this to my friend:
I'm,  for the most part, rude when giving the real talk, so people don't try to sympathize and make their own judgement based in a idealistic point of view
And that got me thinking: isn't being nice just a wrong way to make a point and be taken seriously?
I mean, most people misunderstand human interactions: if a girl is nice to a guy, she's into himif you agree with someone, you are TOTALLY  disagreeing with the other side of the discussion. There is that misunderstanding because there is such thing as expressions, and if something is said with the wrong expression, the receipt of the conversation may see  the point into the emoticon that your face is expressing, for once: if you are talking about World War II, and you are with a big ol' smile on your face, the person may interpretate you as a approver of Hitler's actions.
Besides that, scientifics studies are, by convention, searching for scientific neutrality, which means that we shouldn't, at all, be nice, nor express any emotions on our jobs.But, that apathy can be misunderstood as rudeness, and you don't want to be a Rood Dood.
Then, in the end, should you express any emotion on any argument? I mean, you cannot express anything in any situation, so, no! Then, what to do? You should be the less caring about the other people, but, if you care the less about the other person, you are consequently being mean to your "opponent", which is a solution, if you don't want to be Misunderstood.
Geez, this was a bad post to write about.... Prolly, it isn't finished, so, wait for more edits.

Monday, December 12, 2016

One more reason why we write wrongly

Some may have noticed that i don't capitalize the "i" when reffering to myself, this is, most likely, a bullshit reason, but you know, this site is already a trainwreck of intelectual justifications to basic shit, so, why the fuck not?
Once, there was a twenty one pilots interview (I reallly can't find that link, yo! If someone has it, please!) that they stated that their album: twenty|one|pilots was named like that just because they didn't wanted to feel like any more different nor important than others, that writing like that helped them keep humble and proud of their origins: small shows in their colleges and Columbus.
And, believe it or not, that is exactly the message that we try to express: i ain't different from you, i am not any better just because i know how to arrange a few lines of text, matter fact, i can't even write properly in my own language (Which sucks, by the way!), and, therefore, we won't capitalize our Is, because i am not superior to you
This post is actually a follow up, check the first one! Yes, this is a order, marjor!

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Ascii is way more creative than painting

ASCII is a language/code to be used when using a computer that lets you write sentences, commands and all those things that nerds like to do. It's actual definition would be:
Acronym for the American StandardCode for Information Interchange. Pronounced ask-ee, ASCII is a code for representing English characters as numbers, with each letter assigned a number from 0 to 127. For example, the ASCII code for uppercase M is 77. Most computers use ASCII codes to represent text, which makes it possible to transfer data from one computer to another.
I really do love this language, not only because it uses at most 7 characters in each symbol, but also because there are people who make art in it, like in the game "SanctuaryRPG", a game that i FUCKING LOVE, and then we reach our topic: ASCII art.

Okay, firstly, what is ASCii art? It is images converted into text, but not Literal text, but the conjointment of characters in the intent of making a image, it looks like shit in color, but when only in black and white it looks like the eighth wonder of the planet earth. There are a lot of communities that praise and do ASCii art, such as:
There are even a few apps that let you convert yourself into characters! But I will let you research them :3.
But, how, just how, is it more creative than painting? I mean, they are just characters, nbd, everyone put some together everyday!  But, just how many of you design a town?

It's complexity to make and simplicity to the view are what makes it shine. Disregarding the fact that, still, there are a few constructions that just aren't possible with the simple symbols, making the artist go to harder codes within the language. And that's art, just having to strafe to everything that we've got to express our feelings or share a message! Thing that, in painting is only about the selection of colors and brushes, maybe even making the final project too complex to see , a thing that i despise in art.

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Why the educational system is Broken


Why it's broken

Firstly, it's a fact that nobody in right mind affirms that they’ve used at least 80% from what they've learned in school and high school, not only on Brazil, but in most countries. So, if we don't use it, why should we learn?! That's the first downside of this system.
Then there is the students not caring at all about what they're learning, sure that some themes or entire subjects are cool and hip, but, most aren't compelling at all, maybe not even to the teachers. Also, in that same page, students usually don't know how the school matters, in fact, to their lifes; so, they do it just for doing it and getting their parents, or whoever takes care of them, off their asses.
On top of those, there are politic and money problems. Politicians won't invest in education to where there are the lower taxes per person, therefore crushing even more the chances of the poor changing status. So, riches get "smarter" and poor get "dumber", a practice that is proven to not solve any of the social problems.
So, yeah, it's pretty broken alright.
Although that's enough reasons to assume that the system is broken, this topic may get a little deeper, maybe the problem is in fact within the scientific method, within the epistemology. Children are taught in a systematic way, as if the science works in a systematic way, no, it is chaotic, everyone has his/her own method and they just adapt it to the IS (International System). And you may think that that makes sense, but if you combine the strength of two scientific methods, it may rise a better yet way to explain the reality, one that may not promote memorizing content and even make the studying not boring! A example to that would be the breakthrough of genres with the use of the computer into music making. Since the PC entered in music making by the general public, glitch hop, mash ups, and all these new things made the categorization meaningless, just for the sake of nostalgia, and, as oppose as many think, every work of an artist enhances another artist’s creation, which works just as fine within scientific methods.
Also, Math doesn't exist.

 How we can fix it

We try to avoid all those downsides! So, how?
Since the student won't use most of what he will learn, the student could choose the classes that he want to take, just like a university, but, once the pupil has chosen a set of subjects, he can only change every semester, if he didn't liked that stuff. The option to choose should be given since any equivalent to the "ensino fundamental 2" from Brazil, where they already should have a shunt of which profession they want to work in. And with the power to choose, comes responsibility, meaning that they'll have to know why they're studying, therefore, those years from "ensino fundamental 1" they'll have to know the job that he will apply themselves and the requirements. And this power choice doesn't only solve  the responsibility problem, but also the interest problem, since they'll choose what they'll learn, the student will be excited to learn the thing. But, the number of disciplines would probably fall from 13-15 to 4-6, and the school has a quota to achieve, at least 5 hours? Is that right? And what to do with the time left? Teach others thing that the youth will use in the future! Like how to teach their youth, or how to get a job. And that was already proven to work! A program developed by a NGO to be applied in school called ICE did something just like that and the students that studied within that system had improvements in grades, attendance in class and all that good stuff.
Now we talking about politics and money boyzzzz! Since that is a moral problem, there is nothing to do, maybe teach the lawmakers to plan ahead instead of not planning at all.
The last question is how to fix the scientific method, can we do it? It may sound stupid, but as dumb as it sounds, anarchy may be the smartest path! (See what I did there?) But how would anarchy fix a organized thought? Solving its problem, the organization. The cataloging of explanations may ease the finding and reading of studies, but it limits the development of knowledge, the point being: if the transmission of knowledge is limited, the knowledge will also be limited, hence limiting the passing of knowledge, on s

 Do we need to fix it?

Yes, do we need to fix it? That is a hard and common question, which doesn't have only one answer too. We prolly have to fix it, but it's much more appealing to not do so, if all of us get good, who will do bad? Who will do the base jobs? That is a reality in countries where education is almost the same as our ( in content), but is good for all people (in appliance). In that theory, we shouldn't fix it, otherwise doctors will be cleaning bathrooms, but we should fix it, not now, but when humans get something to do basic tasks instead of other humans.
Unless humans leave capitalism. If non monetary anarchism becomes a real thing, those who want to learn will learn, those who don’t won't, and won't suffer for doesn't doing so, because they'll do whatever they want to do if there is vacancy.
AS I MADE PRETTY CLEAR, i hate our educational system, and i said this already in this website:
Since this was a school's project, i do have the Sources:

Friday, December 9, 2016

About my sexuality

We did talked about sexuality in this blog, once, and I feel the need to clear the air into mine:
I sexually identify as dat boi. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of being a frog riding a unicycle. People say to me that a person being a frog riding a unicycle is impossible but I don't care. I'm having a plastic surgeon install a unicycle on my body. From now on I want you guys to call me "Dat Boi". If you can't accept me you're a boiophobe and need to check your privilege. Thank you for being so understanding.

Dislike porque:

-Meu canal foi excluido por um motivo estupido
-As politicas estao destruindo meus canais favoritos
-Eu cansei de memes de LazyTown e Bee movie
-Adsense nao gera dinheiro suficiente
-Arte eh irrelevante para o algoritmo
-O video me fez chorar
-Damn Daniel
-Eu estou triste, raiva
-Meus youtubers favoritos nao apareceram (soh o pewdiepie)
-Nenhum drama foi relatado, apesar de esse ter sido o ano de drama
-Nenhum youtuber de comentarios apareceu
-Nenhum streamer apareceu

Thursday, December 8, 2016

MOBAs are the greatest creations

It may seems dumb, but i am only writing this so i can share this GIF, because she is too fucking cute to be ignored (Yes, like that video), so, now, LEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET'S GET RIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT INTO THE POST!
(Holy fuck, i have flooded this post with links already, this is great..)
MOBAs are Multiplayer Online Battle Arenas, a genre that put a group of, generally (and preferably -proven by science-), 5 to 6 people into a set space in the objective of killing each other or taking out a point, some Honorable mentions would be Overswashleague of legends (I literally don't have a game for it-nevermind) and Smite, and they are such a big deal right now:

Wednesday, December 7, 2016


Se voce mandar um e-mail pra esse e-mail, eu vou te amar para sempre:

The Brazilian way of life

So, I was cleaning my wordpress and I have found this shit that some would call a opinion article, so I will share it with you! I will be also putting comments in bold, so let's get right into the post:
Firstly, watch this video so you can get prep up:

Brazilians are considered Lazy, corrupt, fake happy, and many other bad things by themselves and also by foreign people. But, are they so bad? So, i've found an article and now i can shut down that theory! Here's the link:
I haven't read it all, just the parts that i found related to this topic and the parts that i needed to read to understand what was her point.  I personally agree that the internet brings receptors and transmitter a lot closer, but can also isolate people in real life, and (for me, gorduuu-gorduuufake, here) that is not a bad thing, since humans keep transmitting opinions to each other and finding someone with same opinions; also her idea in public contribution in mean to do something big is very good, i definitely recommend everyone to read that entire article, and also see PBS Idea channel's video on that too (I didn't include the video in the original and I don't remember which it was).
Going to the argument that i want and need to talk about: The Brazilian way of life, in the thesis of Mariana(Or Mariana's thesis, whatever) she says that the way that brazilians meme reflects in the way that we identify ourselves, and doesn't that makes the way that we brazilians live? (God, this was hard to read, nevertheless, not wrong)
Since she states that our brains try to imitate the most that they can, and the memes are made for that, we use them, and so the memes reflect the way that we think and are, so, let's see which are the memes most used by Brazilians: They are old 9Gag memes, photos of face expressions, and popular phrases said in videos or real life. So, the brazilians reutilize foreing culture, they like to express feelings by images, and they reutiilize their own shiet. What does that mean? You ask. That means that we brazillian are adapters, repeaters, emotional and throwbackers; and we see that with the way that people relationate and stuff, in real life and in the web.
We, in opposite of most beliefs aren't lazy, we study a lot more than most of the countries, we give our most hard to adapt other cultures to ours and much more. We start with 10 subjects,and then in fundamental we up that to 12, and finally, we end up with 15 in high school, and a lot of students that can afford, always try to learn one or more language. Studying that much is a characteristic of a lazy person? Didn't think so. Yeah, sure that the subjects are forced into every individual, and they memorize it, but as I mentioned, the second language is merely optional, and for something that I didn't mention: college, since is purely facultative, is done by one those who feel like doing it (some even say that the degree isn't even necessary to get a job), and most of people do get a degree and some even got two or more; we aren't fake happy too, Many say that yes, because of carnival (A party that supposedly suggests that we're sad because we're happy in the moments of partying. I can't explain this, sorry), because of our motto there! And how does one be sad while making jokes and laughing every time, yes i know that one can fake laugh and still joke faking happiness, but, as a member of that, i ASSURE you that we're fucking hyped as fuck man!And swearing is a part of that, because when you're mocking someone or having fun you just do IT, just kidding, you just don't care, and that's just the best!
I mean, watch this video made by some guys from 9gag (not us, of course):
9gag is great
We are like that in real life too, and we're proud of that, crashing shit for the sake of having a little fun.
And when we talk about corruption, oh boy! How we can have a good time! The history of that starts a lot sooner than most think, no it isn’t 1940’s, no it is in fact in colonial Brazil! With the ‘ claptraps saints’ a thing what hides gold that brazilian shold give to portugal, also with appropriation of spanish’s lands by the ‘candangos’, the slaving of jesuit’s natives, and the list goes on, without a year without brazilians burling laws and stuff, and that list get to the present with the massive scandals!
Some might say that corruption is a tradition, and a brazilian tradition! No wonder why brazilian tradition rhymes with corruption Hu3Hu3Hu3Hu3Hu3Hu3Hu3hu3Hu3
Yes, brasilians copy a lot of foreign memes, proof:

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

The Breaking Point

This is the other post that i've found when cleaning my shit, so, let's hope you like it:
People can take a lot of stress but they are bound to explode in a lot more of disparity and madness, since every and each one is a individual, each and every one of us will have a max level of rage, and that is really bad when we try to set a adapting point to every one. I say that we don't because loads of cultural past would be lost in the process, and as a human kind we try to lose the least as we can so ... The question was: can we set an adaptation point into cultural aspects?
Thinking of which, we don't really have a reason to keep habits, culture and all of those things that we usually try to keep besides nostalgic value and for the sake of remembering that that once was a thing! Then, if we think that way, we could like, just make a memorial of all cultures, as a symbol of the past and move on! But, imagine how unimaginably hardcore that would be! If even to make a unified language to all world(It’s important to state that this action failed miserably) it was needed way too many years to even start, then a lot of money and after all that effort it still needed approval, imagine a unified set of customs that everyone has to accept!
So, what should be held for now as the boundaries for what we can or not adapt to? The Universal declaration of human rights would be a good start, but that would eliminate African, Jewish, anthropophagic native-american and Middle eastern’s culture by making something that they do for many and many centuries for living or just for celebrating one thing that made them keep being alive till now, somethings would be extinct: non-consensual body mutilation( Like circumcision, Ear piercing to Earrings, female castration…), Punishment by slow killing(like stoning women just because she wasn’t submissive enough, torture…), cannibalism, and many others horrible things. But that would be terrible! *OMG, the sassiness* Imagine a pacific world without any kind of bad thing to equilibrate things, the suicide ranks would increase(Since boredom and free time would increase), policemans would lose their jobs(since there weren’t be any minor crimes to puny) and the list goes on...
Reading that with attention can make you see a paradox, the more we fight the things that we consider wrong in our and other cultures we end up with a lot of more problems. So should we adapt to other cultures and vice versa? We could try, but it’s way wiser to just ignore (the things that we can't accept 'cause any reason that we don't actually need to explicitly state), 'cause since that there isn’t wrong without right and vice versa, we should adopt that there isn’t right or wrong in meanings of cultures (Except in culture -in the meaning of cultivating- of foods or animals, if you do that wrong, you literally kill yourself), and if we see a people with another culture doing that we would normally not accept if that person was in our culture, like killing someone, we can try to understand why did that person did that thing, if it was because of a mental disorder, we send that person to a hospital; if it was for no reason, we send that person to a prison; if it was for religion or culture, we search why is that related to their culture or religion and if it was not related to none of which, we send that guy or gal to a prison that teaches that culture or religion, or (teaches) both! And that is easier than making a universal law of acceptance to cultures.
So, as we learned in our sociology classes, and adding to my ideas in the second paragraph, what customs should be accepted by all? The ones that the law can support, and that changes from country to country, therefore, it isn't a set thing. And that is what is supposed to be!
But, as much as we'd like to set a single point of view, Culture is a delicate topic. It is very relative and some persons agree or disagree with . This relative aspect comes from the difference between cultures. They have differences, but it doesn't mean that one is better than other. About a world culture, I don't agree with, as we saw in the Updates test today, multinationals are trying to standardize culture, but there are manifestations fighting for the possibility of differences. In my opinion, we will never have a global culture, if it happens, it would be in a be very long future.
Adapting to other culture depend on the personality of them each person. It can be difficult or it can be easy, it depends. They would have to adapt to the different food and the ways that we treat other persons, and other aspects too.
Welp, this was very offensive, sorry, not sorry.