OP: https://unequalmemes.wordpress.com/2016/07/29/should-you-pursue-real-dates
With those GIFs, i wonder why would one WANT a real date, and maybe i only say this because it's relatable to my circle of entertainment and influences, but hear me out.

Females are very complicated, and I mean very, not as complicated as humans in general, so, that's the first reason why no one should get a real date.
The second point is: often humans are judged by every other human, therefore, you may start dating someone badly acclaimed by the others, and that matters, for some reason.
The last point is the gigantic gap between sexual content in real life and in both animations and drawing. For real, it's fucking stupid the fact that everyone's fetish can be accomplished in those media, even if they are illegal in real life.

In conclusion, fuck real dates! LET'S FUCK OUR WAIFUS!!!

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