Tuesday, December 6, 2016

The Breaking Point

OP: https://unequalmemes.wordpress.com/2016/07/14/the-breaking-point
This is the other post that i've found when cleaning my shit, so, let's hope you like it:
People can take a lot of stress but they are bound to explode in a lot more of disparity and madness, since every and each one is a individual, each and every one of us will have a max level of rage, and that is really bad when we try to set a adapting point to every one. I say that we don't because loads of cultural past would be lost in the process, and as a human kind we try to lose the least as we can so ... The question was: can we set an adaptation point into cultural aspects?
Thinking of which, we don't really have a reason to keep habits, culture and all of those things that we usually try to keep besides nostalgic value and for the sake of remembering that that once was a thing! Then, if we think that way, we could like, just make a memorial of all cultures, as a symbol of the past and move on! But, imagine how unimaginably hardcore that would be! If even to make a unified language to all world(It’s important to state that this action failed miserably) it was needed way too many years to even start, then a lot of money and after all that effort it still needed approval, imagine a unified set of customs that everyone has to accept!
So, what should be held for now as the boundaries for what we can or not adapt to? The Universal declaration of human rights would be a good start, but that would eliminate African, Jewish, anthropophagic native-american and Middle eastern’s culture by making something that they do for many and many centuries for living or just for celebrating one thing that made them keep being alive till now, somethings would be extinct: non-consensual body mutilation( Like circumcision, Ear piercing to Earrings, female castration…), Punishment by slow killing(like stoning women just because she wasn’t submissive enough, torture…), cannibalism, and many others horrible things. But that would be terrible! *OMG, the sassiness* Imagine a pacific world without any kind of bad thing to equilibrate things, the suicide ranks would increase(Since boredom and free time would increase), policemans would lose their jobs(since there weren’t be any minor crimes to puny) and the list goes on...
Reading that with attention can make you see a paradox, the more we fight the things that we consider wrong in our and other cultures we end up with a lot of more problems. So should we adapt to other cultures and vice versa? We could try, but it’s way wiser to just ignore (the things that we can't accept 'cause any reason that we don't actually need to explicitly state), 'cause since that there isn’t wrong without right and vice versa, we should adopt that there isn’t right or wrong in meanings of cultures (Except in culture -in the meaning of cultivating- of foods or animals, if you do that wrong, you literally kill yourself), and if we see a people with another culture doing that we would normally not accept if that person was in our culture, like killing someone, we can try to understand why did that person did that thing, if it was because of a mental disorder, we send that person to a hospital; if it was for no reason, we send that person to a prison; if it was for religion or culture, we search why is that related to their culture or religion and if it was not related to none of which, we send that guy or gal to a prison that teaches that culture or religion, or (teaches) both! And that is easier than making a universal law of acceptance to cultures.
So, as we learned in our sociology classes, and adding to my ideas in the second paragraph, what customs should be accepted by all? The ones that the law can support, and that changes from country to country, therefore, it isn't a set thing. And that is what is supposed to be!
But, as much as we'd like to set a single point of view, Culture is a delicate topic. It is very relative and some persons agree or disagree with . This relative aspect comes from the difference between cultures. They have differences, but it doesn't mean that one is better than other. About a world culture, I don't agree with, as we saw in the Updates test today, multinationals are trying to standardize culture, but there are manifestations fighting for the possibility of differences. In my opinion, we will never have a global culture, if it happens, it would be in a be very long future.
Adapting to other culture depend on the personality of them each person. It can be difficult or it can be easy, it depends. They would have to adapt to the different food and the ways that we treat other persons, and other aspects too.
Welp, this was very offensive, sorry, not sorry.

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