Friday, March 17, 2017


Everyone that is born dies, some musicians would say that we are born to die. Many deaths can generate different emotions: fear, shock, depression, happiness, surprise, creativity (That’s not a feeling, but yeah).
Such emotions are laced into the impact that the person made in your life, that impact makes connections on your brain and make memories and affinity with another human being, and, with more impact, such as the one that a girlfriend can make (that can take over 6 month to recover), the more connections that are made and the more strong they are. So, if a person like a present father dies, you’ll feel very emotional, because your brain will bring back all that nostalgia of good and positive times that you had with him at the same moment, interpreting his death as the loss of a possible bringer of further happiness, and your brain needs to destroy that link, making you sad, by consequence.
But, what if that person is not that close to you, what if that person is some non present and non bringer of the probability of hapiness? Why would you cry?
That answer comes with a bit of backtracking, since the childhood, a lot of kids are taught that death is something bad and sad (Not if you live in Mexico or any other country that celebrates death, though), and, since they have no agency in the formulation of knowledge at that age, they will just take his/her/their tutors word for it, and that will be engrained and brought with them ’till or even after enlightment. Since death equals sadness, then you are supposed to be sad, and because of hive minding, they’ll be excluded and coerced if they are actually not sad and maybe even happy in the face of the longest nap of their far ones (or even close ones).
But that doesn’t answer the question: why would someone cry in facing the death of a non familiar person?
My theory is that people suffer from minor depressions every and each day, but their brains just ignore that, just so they don’t get affected that much and can actually be productive in real life (that doesn’t apply to people with depression). Nevertheless, those minor depressions produce chemicals on your brain, much like any other emotion, and those chemicals are stored, stored untill they decay or are used in something else. And that something else that matters in this case, if death is predominantly sad and it is a major emotional trigger, all of those minor depressions are used to make up a bigger sadness, so, if a person that isn’t close to you dies, that would normally considered a mild depression to your brain, but since you had a build up,  you’re done for.
This would be a chapter on my book, but this is coming out all of my mind, of zero experience, and i didn’t research for any of this, which can be a problem, but it’s

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