Thursday, June 29, 2017

A chave do tamanho

A Chave do Tamanho é um livro escrito em 1942 por Monteiro Lobato. Escrito em 3ª pessoa, com a presença de um narrador onisciente neutro, a história se revolve ao desejo “Filosófico-bom” (como diria e disse Visconde de Sabugosa) de Emília de acabar com a guerra ocorrente no momento, a 2ª Guerra Mundial. A história começa com notícias da guerra no Sítio do Pica-Pau Amarelo, Dona Benta se sensibiliza e Emília não aguenta isso, eis o motivo de ela ir ao Fim do Mundo, para a casa das chaves. Na casa das chaves, ela encontra várias chaves, mas sem etiquetas, com isso, ela usa o método de tentativa e erro. Entretanto, a primeira chave que ela puxa já causa a primeira ação dramática: ela desativa a chave do tamanho; os seres humanos perdem seu tamanho - o que a antes boneca infere de primeira.
Com a alteração do tamanho, ambas Emília e a humanidade têm uma complicação a superar e uma sociedade a reconstruir, dado que conceitos antigos não se aplicam mais, algo fortemente reforçado no livro e questionado pelos personagens da história. A narrativa na primeira parte do livro se baseia nas aventuras de Emília para a reunificação com a sociedade. A segunda parte se baseia no encontro da protagonista com Visconde de Sabugosa. A terceira e última parte se baseia na viagem de Emilia e Sabugosa pelo mundo para ver diferentes pontos de vista e trazer diferentes pontos de vista para a situação do “destamanhamento”, a fim de decidir se seria beneficiário para raça humana manter ou mudar a situação do tamanho.
Na primeira secção, Emília tem uma experiência com a vida da natureza (após desativar a chave do tamanho), e, aplicando os conhecimentos sobre evolução que ela aprendeu com seu Tutor, ela se adapta às complicações que se dispõem diante dela. Nesse contexto, ela usa o pó de pirlimpimpim para fugir de um pinto - o que gera a primeira ideia de antigos conceitos que não se aplicam mais, pensamento permeado por todo o livro -, transportando-a para Itaoca (o que não faz sentido, devido ao comportamento do pó anteriormente no livro), 6 km do Sítio. Lá ela conhece uma família que a reconhece dos livros de Monteiro. Desse encontro, a ideia de mudança de hábitos se concretiza com a morte dos pais dos dois personagens (Juquinha e Candoca) que vão ter um local na narrativa até o final do livro; mas também com a mudança de vestimenta dos humanos, que agora se baseia em enrolados de  algodão banhados em gema de ovo, algo que não atrairia gatos e outros carnívoros, mas atrai beija-flores; o que é refletido pela ex-boneca: o tamanho diminuto dos seres humanos tirou-os a vergonha. E Emília queria reverter a situação, então ela tinha de voltar ao Sítio.
No caminho do sítio, ela perde seus novos companheiros e acha Visconde de Sabugosa. Eles conversam sobre o problema do destamanhamento e decidem que o melhor jeito de decidir como a humanidade ficaria seria um plebiscito dos cidadãos do Sítio do Pica-Pau Amarelo. E Emília, muito sabichona, faz uma fazendinha no chapéu da espiga de milho falante. Enquanto voltam para casa, eles salvam os filhos dos fazendeiros e um senhor de terras vizinho.(Coronel Teorico), suposto perdedor de seus funcionários pelo canibal Rabicó. Quando chegam em casa, eles tem que ser furtivos sobre a culpa da boneca pelos acontecimentos, o que não funciona direito. Nesse contexto, Emília queria viajar pelo mundo para ver os efeitos dos seus devaneios, o que não diminui a suspeita sobre ela.
Apesar de tudo, Sabugosa viaja pelo mundo com sua mestra. Primeira parada: Alemanha; eles veem o efeito da chave em larga escala, um número gigante de panos está espalhado no chão. Em Berlim, eles procuram Hitler, que agora é retratado apenas como um fraco sem voz, apenas para ser guardado no chapéu do Visconde. Segunda parada: Japão; a situação é a mesma e o filho do sol é capturado. Terceira parada: Rússia; lá encontram o imenso exército russo e alemão embaixo de suas gigantes vestimentas porque morreriam congelados se não. Ultima parada: Estados Unidos.
Nos Estados Unidos, há dois momentos, o primeiro, vemos a única civilização que se organizou embaixo das asas de um doutor; o que mostra a “superioridade americana”, baseada em minhocas e no Comunismo.No segundo, a dupla visita a casa branca, onde também há uma organização de americanos tentando reaver a situação, mas quando os brasileiros oferecem ajuda, eles querem os comprar para benefício da nação americana, que terá sede na cidade já pronta, baseada no consumo de minhocas. Mas Emília ainda queria decidir a questão do tamanho, então ela manda o presidente americano para o Sítio.
Finalmente, no Sítio, há a votação, as viagem do Visconde e da Emília se mostram desnecessárias, dado que os líderes da Alemanha, Rússia, Japão e Estados Unidos não têm voz. E a votação empata no final 5 a 5 sobre a restauração do tamanho ou não, ainda assim, é decidido que os tamanhos voltarão.

Saturday, June 3, 2017


How? I feel quite better with it right now
Are? I am afraid to ask
Should? Prolly
Do? Somehow i rather how it is now than ever
Do? Some parts of me want, some parts don’t, things have changed
Did? Most definately
What? Something
Is? Don`t really think so, just new
What? I can pretend that it is nothing
Do? Nah, i’ll be fine, i am fine, the only thing that depises me right now it’s my body
Are? Yes.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

O Surgimento da Bossa Nova

Bossa é um termo para explicar que algo é de um estilo original, diferente dos demais. Nova relembra o termo novo, nada mais que isso. Então combinando os dois, temos Bossa Nova, um  novo estilo musical diferente do Samba tradicional, e que também não era Jazz. Há também outras origens para a palavra, mas elas não soam tão descoladas e inovadoras quanto os estudantes que seguiam esses artistas classificariam a produção musical desse estilo musical.
A Bossa Nova foi inicialmente tocada nos apartamentos da Zona Sul do Rio de Janeiro (como nos de Nara Leão, mais dela depois), onde músicos da classe média se reuniam para fazer e ouvir música. Apesar dessa informalidade, O Bossa Nova nunca foi tão despreocupado com a qualidade da gravação, como seus contemporâneos e irmãos de origem, o Lofi hiphop. Mas por que a menção de estudantes? Simplesmente porque o gênero musical se difundiu primeiro nas Universidades. Nessas apresentações nas universidades, o som era denominado “Samba Sessions”, “Samba” do samba e “Sessions” do Jazz; até que, numa dessa apresentações, em 1957, estava escrito num quadro negro: “Samba Sessions com o Grupo Bossa-Nova”, o nome claramente pegou, sendo usado como nome oficial até hoje.
Apesar disso, o gênero musical tem seu início oficial apenas em 1958, com o lançamento dos singles “Chega de Saudade”, do Cantor João Gilberto, Compositor Tom Jobim e Poeta Vinicius de Moraes e “Bim-Bom”, de João Gilberto.
E tudo aconteceu na década de 50, por que? A Segunda guerra mundial tinha acabado de terminar, e o Brasil cresceu muito economicamente, vivendo sua época de ouro, o que trouxe um nível de otimismo e segurança econômica que possibilitou a criação de arte. Juscelino Kubitschek também foi importante no surgimento desse gênero musical, ele visava a inovação, o desenvolvimento de uma cultura que influencie o mundo (até então, só o Brasil era influenciado), tudo o que a Bossa Nova representou na época.
O estilo musical em questão é definido por certas características. O ritmo é calmo e suave, compostos por uma voz principal acompanhada por um piano e/ou violão (o que é a influência do Jazz), e certa percussão (influência do Samba), muitas vezes ignorada. A voz é em tom baixo e calmo, como se estivesse contado uma narrativa poetizada, narrativa tal da vida do civil comum da classe média do Rio de Janeiro, com histórias amorosas, ou com descrição da paisagem natural.
Acontece que, a partir da década de 60, Marcos Valle, Dori Caymmi, Edu Lobo e Francis Hime apoiados pelo centro popular de cultura da UNE (União Nacional dos Estudantes, que ajudaram a fundar esse movimento) criaram um movimento de revolta contra a influência estrangeira na Bossa Nova, o que a Nara Leão adotou - Eu disse que ela ia voltar - e Carlos Lyra, quem, até então, era um pilar forte na cultura desse gênero.
Ainda na década de 60, a Bossa Nova tem seu final declarado. No ano de 1965, Edu Lobo e Vinicius de Moraes compõem a canção “Arrastão”, música que será defendida por Elis Regina, no Festival de Música Popular Brasileira. Mas, apesar de ela ser enquadrada ao gênero surdo e genérico da MPB, ainda há resquícios da estética na música atual brasileira, seja em produções do MPB, seja em outros gêneros completamente diferentes, como o Rock nacional, que apresenta releituras desse movimento.

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Please be okay

How did I deal with depression?
I helped other people with depression.
How will you?
Brazil's helpline:
Be good, be alive.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Savant - Jester (full album)

Savant had a release this year, but for a movie soundtrack, what isn't that attention grabbing, even as good as it is. But now Jester is out, the don't know which album number it is because he has too many albuns in too many personas.

What to say to this album? It's the mixture of everything that he's done so far on his previous albuns, which were good, but now he masters the art of jumping from genre to genre, and it's good, it's perfect.

Go listen to it:

Friday, March 24, 2017


speaking of which, bubbles!
According to wikipedia, A bubble is a globule of one substance in another, usually gas in a liquid. Due to the Marangoni effect, bubbles may remain intact when they reach the surface of the immersive substance. Soap bubbles can make rainbows in and on itself, what can be seen by observants surrounding it, with the help of sunlight or artificial lightning.
But, there are other types of bubbles, and anyone is susceptible to be raised or live in one. This type of bubble separates one from society, bringing the possibility of a lost of important strings that were possible to everyone outside the bubble, either the lost of chances to form those strings, or the cut of logical and emotional attachment of both sides of that lining.
Of course there are ways to break bubbles, it requires effort, as expected, it’s hard, it’s somewhat dangerous, and one will most likely be affected negatively by doing so. To leave a social-dynastical bubble, one must break their pretenses, know the world, go against everything that they’ve experienced before, just so can see the other side of the fence, and that is what hurts the most, going against the tide means going against something that supported one all their life, monetarily or emotionally, and that will most likely deny the descendant -at least in the beginning- , because such bubble wasn’t made out of nothing, it was built in a set of emotion, presets and knowledge that had much effort built into. Seeing that bubble implode out of thin air hurts, even more that the inheritee will sustain in his whole journey, collectively, and the builder will take the pain out of once, instead of with time -in case of the pupil-, and that pain will sore and scar one for life, reminding and draining the force of the mentor their whole life, until they finally drop dead or finally give up into madness.
And that strength that frank never had.

Friday, March 17, 2017


Everyone that is born dies, some musicians would say that we are born to die. Many deaths can generate different emotions: fear, shock, depression, happiness, surprise, creativity (That’s not a feeling, but yeah).
Such emotions are laced into the impact that the person made in your life, that impact makes connections on your brain and make memories and affinity with another human being, and, with more impact, such as the one that a girlfriend can make (that can take over 6 month to recover), the more connections that are made and the more strong they are. So, if a person like a present father dies, you’ll feel very emotional, because your brain will bring back all that nostalgia of good and positive times that you had with him at the same moment, interpreting his death as the loss of a possible bringer of further happiness, and your brain needs to destroy that link, making you sad, by consequence.
But, what if that person is not that close to you, what if that person is some non present and non bringer of the probability of hapiness? Why would you cry?
That answer comes with a bit of backtracking, since the childhood, a lot of kids are taught that death is something bad and sad (Not if you live in Mexico or any other country that celebrates death, though), and, since they have no agency in the formulation of knowledge at that age, they will just take his/her/their tutors word for it, and that will be engrained and brought with them ’till or even after enlightment. Since death equals sadness, then you are supposed to be sad, and because of hive minding, they’ll be excluded and coerced if they are actually not sad and maybe even happy in the face of the longest nap of their far ones (or even close ones).
But that doesn’t answer the question: why would someone cry in facing the death of a non familiar person?
My theory is that people suffer from minor depressions every and each day, but their brains just ignore that, just so they don’t get affected that much and can actually be productive in real life (that doesn’t apply to people with depression). Nevertheless, those minor depressions produce chemicals on your brain, much like any other emotion, and those chemicals are stored, stored untill they decay or are used in something else. And that something else that matters in this case, if death is predominantly sad and it is a major emotional trigger, all of those minor depressions are used to make up a bigger sadness, so, if a person that isn’t close to you dies, that would normally considered a mild depression to your brain, but since you had a build up,  you’re done for.
This would be a chapter on my book, but this is coming out all of my mind, of zero experience, and i didn’t research for any of this, which can be a problem, but it’s

Friday, March 10, 2017


Hipsters are a core part of society nowadays, so influential that they have their own fashion. Much like any other fashion, the hipster one is used to distinguish people from inside the group from those outside. Except that hipsters are not a group, it’s a avoidance of mainstream media and culture, as they would rigorously argue with you if you ever ask them if they are a hipster.On that note, you may see a person with a cute scarf, a t h i c c beard, a lumberjack shirt – I mean, a flannel- drinking coffee and writing a book on the nearest Starbucks. That’s the afore called hipster style. And, just how is it formed? For starters,let’s focus on the hat, that person might have seen that hat on their attic and found it nice, so they’ve started using it, becoming hipsters on the process. Innocent, right?
Sure sounds like it, but then that person has a blog and friends, and those people seeing that the hat is cute, also start using it, making it a fashion staple. People outside that circle that see those people using it join the trend, because they are also human, and just wanna feel included on stuff. Since now the hat has a massive popularity, celebrities start to notice it, and, those who find it cool and hip, will then start to use it too.
Now that the hat is the norm and you can see it on tv, internet or any other media (visual and otherwise), it reached the masses, the plebs, and they too will start using it. Much like memes, once it peaks in popularity, it becomes over saturated on the market and on the public, so it is not cool anymore, and it’s use starts to decline. And then, the hipsters begin to show up again.
Normally teenagers or young adults who write blogs and major in liberal arts, hipsters are those who go out of their way – ironically, of course – to avoid the mainstream, claiming that that form of expressing themselves is actually pleasing. One can see hipsters in any art form, music, dance, memes, plastic art, and the motivation of this article: fashion. And then, a non hipster will eventually see that hipster hat or find their own, repeating the circle, forever and ever.
[bottom text]

Tuesday, January 10, 2017


he was there. By himself, kept saying to himself that was his choice, his isolation was condicioned by the willingness to be alone, said that he couldn't identify himself with nobody, and that no one would understand his thoughts. He projected his emorions into the personality of others, just to create a excuse to not talk to them, he wasn't self aware, he couldn't be, he had no experience of the path of self knowledge, people criticized that on his face, he tried to change, but, as he expected, people don't change, maybe that negative thought prevented him to change; wasn't his fault neither, he was raised in a very protective enviroment, that never had him to develop a personality and self thought until he started learning things for himself, to manipulate hard ocasions, even though the hardest it would get didn't really matter, since he wouldn't suffer any backlash, hence increasing the boy's god-complexed, infant and careless personality. Personality which he carried even after his self-aware awakeness, he knew the importance of changing over time, rather than abruptely, he only didn't know that people don't change, only appearances.
so he did end up alone. In his room, masturbating, crying, dancing, cutting, writing, gaming, doing whatever he could to hide his sadness, even though everything he did was a cry for help, his body hated him, his appearance was deplorable, his conversations limited themselves to one or two replies, because he couldn't care enough to talk to anyone (even though he used that as a argument to the "i chose to be alone" point), his works were becoming a lot more inconsistent in means of schedule and quality, it was noticeable, too noticeable, his sleep schedule was even more inconsistenr than his emotional state or the times that he was putting himself on a pedestal, as he would do in public, to avoid getting hurt or using self deprecation that no one cared about, his refferences were becoming as obscure was they could get. He wasn't fine, he'd only admit it to one person, and crypted that message to whoever followed him on social media, even though nobody cared anymore. "You will never be 100%", he knew that, he knew that he was mentally unstable by interacting to other people, and never he could be fine again, "is 80% okay?", he did think that as he made some poor life decision that led him to the worst time of his life, he wasn't protected anymore, this was real, blood left his throat, temporaly vision empaired, everything that led to his choice of being alone.
But he had a life, had friends, had family, couldn't abandon all that because he was low, if he did, the consequences for them would be extreme, probably prison, and, since he thought that much of himself, suicides and drug issues. there was anything that he could relate anymore in this world, he lived by the things that the others recommend him, he liked a lot of them, he disliked some, like a normal human being, but with a single twist: his own personal taste was dispised by most, not even his close ones could enjoy what he really liked, what made him become more lonely, nobody were to blame, he understood that, yet, he blamed humanity for not liking and producing more of what he liked; "Thank god fot his god complex" was a thing that no one on their right minds would say, which isolated him even more, at the point that he was living in his own little niech bubble, and, in case he interacted with people outside, he would be analised as strange, peculiar, rather weird, but smart in a kinda way that i can't explain, because it doesn't make any sense to me, to hear those words that come out of that ignorant little mouth of his.
Interestingly enough, in all of his period of loneliness, he was either with really close friends that knew way too much about him, and of he knew too much about, or with a girlfriend that knew a tad more than his close friends, but never was introduced to them. and so he was alone because of him, bringing the fault to himself, to protect the others from his instability, that alone is enough to destroy a man, and so it did, and with more stuff to cover, it becomes less friends, untill he was really alone, couldn't talk to anybody, drained out of his forces, it was like he was atlas and he was holding nix from colapsing into the earth, nix being his insecurities, his abnegations, his collection of sorrow, everything bad, and the earth being everything that he deemed worthy. All that without the responsability of paying the rent, having to work, having responsabilities, he could only imagine what a hot mess he would be, even though everyone around projected that he would be really succesful, like everyone around him. The thing is, he only thought of killing himself after finishing studying.
-ActuallyYou, this is not over

Monday, January 9, 2017


>i will never learn to take care of a woman

and i mean that by heart. i will never master the habilities to make a mad woman go back to her former self, i will never learn how to and with what to gift a woman, i will never persuade a woman to get together with my own self, i won't need a plataform to defend myself from a woman.

>there is no sacrifice that i will make for a woman
neither for a man, there is no empathy toward them, both mean nothing for me, i can't understand why anyone would, karma peharps, but this society doesn't believe in karma, unless you are so rich that it isn't a sacrifice to help another person.

>i'll do it for her

because she isn't no simple one, she doesn't have only basic descriptions of herself portraied on my mind, or i would like to think so.



Sunday, January 8, 2017


I am sad
Tears staining my bedsheets, i don’t wanna be this way, living hurts. The cuts, the agony, the headaches. Is this good enough for you? That’s a question that i have never asked to  anyone. Yet, i seek that answer everyday, for some reason…. I pretend to be good, i pretend to be happy, i pretend to be supportive, to everyone around me. I’m not. Now i only stay alone, hiding that i’m just not able to function, with videogames and videos. I would love to see myself smiling genuinely on the mirror again, i would love to see her smiling just to me once again, still think that i’m too selfish if i ask her that, since i can’t give one back to her, i wish i had the strengh to share this with anyone, to search help, to seach confort, but no, i can only write about it, hide my sadness into the laughter of youtube videos, into the chat of my clan, into my alone time before bed, into emotion-empty masturbation, into the times that i isolate myself to listen to music blazing loud, so i can’t hear the outside.
It’s that façade that tires the most, to the others, i’m just fine and avoiding people, but the truth is: i’m just saving energy, putting up a smile or whatever, projecting your voice, dealing with adhd to make a conversation more bareable, that all demands too much, half hout of talking and interacting means 2 hours more of sleeping in means recover myself, which can be hard sometimes, there is such thing as girlfriends, friends, projects, videos, games and homeworks. Sometimes i don’t care, sometimes it’s worth it, sometimes it’s needed, netheless, it’s still a burden, some people wouldn’t believe that, because i was very extroverted untill 2015, the truth is: i never had enough sleep, my eyes were wether red all the time, or i was so slow that i could never understand what was going around me, that with the Adhd thingy destroyed any chance of me being self aware and caring of another to the point that i hurt myself a lot of times, sometimes bringing some other persons with me, physically or emotionally.
And now i can cry.
Never could before, now it seems like i am crying one time a day. Cried listening to musics, reading messages, playing videogames, for that i am thankful to my last relationship. But crying isn’t just that childish impulse anymore, now it’s triggered by certain feelings and by my mind,
The brain decides whether or not that is worth crying for, if that made a significant impact in your life, enough to change yourself and the way that you treat others. In the other side, the heart gives the impulse to cry, a reason, even if it isn’t logical, so, if they agree, i loose my composure.
A mutual agreement between my heart and my mind that i have to put my emotions out there…
Even if i don’t really do so, which makes the tears drop. The more that i  supress the feelings, the more that that emotion-putrid water leaves my eyes. I guess that the tears are to mourn the loss, my whole life i grew to think that when you loose anything, you really shouldn’t look back and fight to get the next best thing, so you never stop, never appreciate life, never empathize with anything near ot across your eyes, cry with the death of main protagonists of my life was the only acceptable time, without any coercion.
But then, i was enlightened. the same as in relationships, and religion, i couldn’t live with that much pressure every day, nobody should. I did resort to drowning myself, i did resort to overwhelming myself, i did overcompensate sometimes, i’m not ashamed of it, it molded me. Everyone should cry, but they need to understand why first.
It’s not the same anymore
Of course it changes constantly, we are humans, but, usually, those are small chages, barely unoticeable, only experts can realise that it changed, even needing to analyse multiple times. When it changes too much in too little time, one can’t really stand on that quicksand that already left his feet, so he falls, and falls, and falls, untill he can get enough effort to jump on the next piece of semi-solid land, or he falls in depression and sorrow and gets addicted to drugs, to videogames, to loneliness, which weakens the quicksand of others.
I’m crying, i shouldn’t, be strong fot others.

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Just so you remember, the blog is dead'

Yes, vsf is a totally dead website, it was good once, it had daily posts once, rip

Friday, January 6, 2017

My agenda for the whole year of 2016

* Imprimir novo documento com QR code
* Física pág 62 e 63
* Tabela de doenças 
- Semana 2
* Módulo 17 de geografia 
* História -geekie, módulo 8 e 9
* Amanhã -> OBA
* Física 4 casos de lente
* Arranjar materiais para uma maquete de Machu Picchu
- Semana 3
* Pegar módulo 9 de história 
* Redação
* 4 casos de lente(de novo)
* Comprar cola líquida 
* Fazer uma releitura do manifesto comunista
* Apresentação sobre o Anarquismo 
* Física módulo 12: páginas 13 e 14; 22 e 23
* Arranjar Jornal
* Prova de Física Amanhã 
* Física: lentes, pág 30(3), 31(7), 28(6)
* Comprar Isopor
* Terminar módulo de biologia 
* Baile de favela em ritmo de Tarantella 
- Semana 4
* Escola de frankfurt, historico, nomes e críticas sociais 
* Terminar tabela de regiões hidrográficas 
* Física módulo 12 pág 61(1a 10)
- Semana 5
* Módulo de trigonometria 
* Módulo de logaritmo (questões da lista)
* Lista de razões trigonométricas 
* Arranjar um sobretudo
* Terminar lista do Waldson
* Ler " um homem célebre"
* Redação 
- Semana 6
* Crítica ao método científico das ciências humanas 
* Questões contextualizadas do faustο
* Física módulo 15, pág 45(2 e 9), 59(5,9 e 10)
* Τασκ δε ινγλεςπ
- Semana 7
* Ler "noite de almirante", "conto de escola" e "o alienista"π
- Semana 8
* Arranjar papelão 
* Geometria pág 10
* Fazer uma comparação entre as obras: "coroação de Napoleão" e "Sagração de D. Pedro"
* Fazer uma lista de gêneros musicais 
- Semana 9
* Pegar roupas especiais de assassino
- Semana 12
* Pegar módulo de geometria: Círculo trigonométrico (?)->32
* Pegar módulo de matrizes e determinantes-> 10 a 12
* Física: termodinâmica <- pegar o módulo 
* Terminar página do módulo se geometria 
* Atividade de química no geekie
* Pegar o microfone
* Lista de física π
- Semana 13
* Página 45 Túlio 
* Terminar a lista do fausto
* Pegar o módulo 18 de geografia 
* Física módulo 12, pág 41 a 43
* Task 4- English 
* Terminar questão 14 de física 
* Arranjar roupa inca
- Semana 14
* Pegar módulo de independência do Brasil 
* Ler alienista e contos de escola
* O que usuários de headphones realmente escutam
* Capitulo 1 do módulo 18 de geografia 
* Fazer foto de um trabalho 
* Pesquisar um experimento químico massa.
1. Reações químicas que fazem barulho
- Semana 16
* Pegar telefone da mamãe para a Cristiane :9825
* Ler os direitos sociais 
* Arranjar a roupa para o debate dos incas e pesquisar mais sobre eles
1. Ergan las manos quien mantuvo la cultura de los pueblos de América?
2. Ergan las manos quien conquistó mas de (quantidade de área conquistada por os aztecas)
- Semana 17
* Ler "o cortiço"
* Modulo 13 literatura , pg16 a 22
* Review (you deleted it without intent)
- Semana 18
* Tarefa de quimica 
* Modulo 18 de geografia 
* Fazer a lista do Túlio 
* Fazer o dever de literatura 
- Semana 19
* Literatura módulo 13 págs 30 a 33
* Fazer uma apresentação de slides sobre a lei da empregada doméstica 
* Pesquisa sérios 
* Passar consideration e work para a pasta da b
* Lista de termodinâmica 
* I'm in love with a big dicked lady
* Introdução do vídeo com a b
- Semana 20
* Ler o cortiço 
* Lista do fausto 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 13
* Módulo do waldson 23, páginas 39 a 45
* Inscrição PAS
* Lista de termodinâmica 
* Começar o trabalho de biologia sobre anelídeos 
- Semana 21
* Especial de 50 inscritos 
* Matemática módulo 14, pág 13, 1 a 4
- Semana 22
* Tarefa de história 
1. Folha separada
2. Fonte, nome do periódico, data, link
3. Resumo
4. Análise 
* Videogames viciam, ou são como os videogames agem no nosso cérebro
* Dever de literatura (2)
* Fazer uma resenha sobre o vídeo "invasores ou excluídos"
* Seminário de biologia, começar de verdade, agora 
* Ver filmes: maioria oprimida, será que todo mundo precisa de amor?, the mask you live in
* Trabalho de espanhol
- Semana 23
* Português módulo 21 págs 43 a 45
* Entregar trabalho da bebel na sala de moda
- Semana 25
* Questões 2 e 3 da lista do Túlio 
* The mask you live in
* Classificação e sistemas ->biologia 
* Módulo 20 de português, 20 a 22
* Tabela do bob esponja
- Semana 26
* Enem redação 
* Trabalho de biologia, classificação, sistemas e reprodução 
* Atividade de física 
- Semana 27
* Colocar os mashups na pasta da B
* Fazer a redação nota mil
* Lista do Túlio 
- I don't care at this point
* Imprimir aqueles comprovantes de inscrição 

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Why i quitted social media

I was really sad this day, i hope you understand and can relate

Monday, January 2, 2017

This is not a post 

Not a argument
Not a point
Not a test
Not a prank, bro
Not a song
Nor a poetry
Not a irony
Not a game
Not a study
Not a scam
Not a video
Not a rule (but a rule 34 will be made out of this)
Not a joke

Just A E S T H E T I C S, and how you perceive it may explain how you perceive art can be a expression of your soul, as well as your capacity to make art (we talked about it on this post), which can differentiate you from anothers, therefore making you more valuable for many people, which is too much important to be ignored.